Elders Center for Health Protection

Primary Prevention of NCDs

I. Prevention of NCDs;
Through primary prevention strategy, we have reached over sixty thousands people of all age groups. Our major interventions we implement include.

A. Public health check camps- a primary prevention of NCDs strategy.

For adults [Age 19 to 59 year]
i). Camp for people of middle age: focus on screening, treatment of hypertension, diabetes, cancers of breast cervix and prostate, mental health problems, bone related pain and injuries. We work in a collaboration with the local government authorities, private and public health facilities in the area of intervention.

For children [Age 5 to 18 year]

ii). Camps for children and adolescents: where the camp focus is on education and screen of risk factors for NCDs, dietary and nutrition, sickle cell trait and diseases, child abuse, alcohol and substance abuse, child social protection, mental health, and oral, ear & nose health problems.

For the senior persons [Above 60 year]

Camp for seniors “older people”: where the focus is on rehabilitation, education, screen and provision of management of NCDs complications. We also provide psychosocial support and security on issues related to their physical, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Through various therapies for instance: music, play, animal, plant and water therapy their health needs are met.

B. Community-based Jogging Clubs

We assist communities to establish healthy clubs for instance church groups, women groups, saccos groups, organized business groups. The initiative enabled a community of Kinyerezi program to come up with a Health Resolution for health promotion.

C. Primary schools pupil’s healthy activities and jogging club

We assist primary schools to organize health programs for the teachers and pupils. This include routine health check, debates on diet and nutrition issues for adolescents and youths.

Furthermore, we facilitate intra and inter school health competition programs tailored with sports but aimed to promote health lifestyle. This include jogging activities ‘mchakamchaka’ and sports for the pupils.

d. Work place health promotion programs

We assist work place, offices to develop health programs for the employees for banks, hospitals, hotels, insurance companies, churches, colleges, etc.

e. Sports groups and academy and academic institute

We assist clubs of sports to integrate program for health promotion this include routine health check and appropriate measures to take if any risk of NCDs is encountered.

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